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Original designed by Netscape to create more dynamic web experiences, JavaScript is a client-side scripting language. It can be embedded directly within an HTML or XHTML document or loaded from separate files.

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JavaScript can track user input and automatically update content such as slideshows or carousels based on their actions, automatically updating content such as slide shows or carousels in real time. Furthermore, it can validate information directly on client side.

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The primary language for client-side programming

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JavaScript is the go-to client-side programming language, used in web apps, mobile apps and games alike. Easy to learn and utilize, JavaScript only requires basic knowledge to use. Developers use it to make interactive webpages that respond to user input while producing animations and transitions.

Scripts may be embedded directly into HTML content or stored separately as files. When visiting a webpage, client-side code is downloaded into and executed by the browser, creating HTML output as well as visible script output in real time.

Client-side scripting can be used for form validation and interactive elements on a website, for instance to prevent spammers from providing false credentials and making dynamic changes without needing to reload an entire page – for instance when updating carousels or slideshows based on user clicks such as clicking individual images in an album or carousel.

It is used to make websites interactive

HTML and CSS provide structure and style for web pages, while JavaScript (also known as JS) adds interactivity and real-time content updates to them. Furthermore, JS makes websites responsive across devices for easier use and accessibility.

JS code runs in the front end of a website, meaning it runs in browsers used by visitors. It responds to user actions such as clicks or mouse movements by attaching event handlers to HTML elements on a webpage, in response to clicks or mouse movements.

With JavaScript, web developers can add animations, pop-up windows, search bars, buttons, audio/video, chat widgets, real-time updates to a page without reloading it – such as news feeds that update as you scroll down a page – as well as forms that enable users to enter information directly into their browsers or play games directly – creating modern web applications with features not found on traditional websites.

It is a cross-platform language

Contrary to other programming languages, JavaScript runs locally on a user’s web browser instead of being executed on servers. This enables developers to add interactive elements, like animations and dynamic content updates, that enhance users’ experiences by making websites more immersive and engaging for visitors.

User input such as touch screen taps, mouse clicks, scrolls and keyboard input can also be detected and recognized by this platform. Furthermore, information like webpage preferences or user activity may also be stored locally on client side for storage and processing purposes.

As a cross-platform language, JavaScript can be utilized across a range of environments and devices. For instance, companies can utilize AngularJS to develop complex web apps that run both UNIX and Windows through bidirectional data binding (updating view when model changes) which is essential when building mobile apps that require quick responses times. Furthermore, JavaScript can be integrated with web-based data visualization tools like WebGL which offer high quality images and graphics for real time visualization purposes.

It is a scripting language

A scripting language is a type of programming language that allows you to easily add dynamic interactions to web pages, as well as build complex applications with it. It features flexible syntax with variable declarations and data types that may either be global or block scoped – and may contain either fixed values or alterable ones – making this type of programming language the perfect way to add interactive web experiences for visitors.

Netscape introduced JavaScript in 1995 as an effort to make the World Wide Web more dynamic. It derives its name from being similar to Java; however, unlike its object-oriented cousin it does not involve creating objects.

Scripting languages can add dynamic flair to websites and apps, yet can cause performance issues. Semrush’s Site Audit tool can identify and address problems with JavaScript programming language usage as well as first Input Delay (FID) issues caused by poorly written code.

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